my guiding principles
My goal as an intimacy professional is to create moving, honest, and thought-provoking work, in which all elements of the production serve to explore the themes and messages within a text. I am guided by five main principles, gathered from my training with both Intimacy Directors & Coordinators (IDC), and Theatrical Intimacy Education (TIE), and from my work in anti-racism, mental health advocacy, and equity.
Context is everything! When creating intimacy, I always return to the question "What is the story that we're telling?"
We create more powerful art when we work together! I work to create space for voices to be heard, and provide tools for communication.
mental health advocacy
Art is far more sustainable when it's trauma-informed (instead of trauma-focused, like many aspects of this industry have been for years). By prioritizing consent, boundaries, choreography, closure practices, and mental health in general, we can create powerful stories that don't push actors, crews, creative teams, staff, or audience members into abusive or traumatic situations.
transformative justice
I believe that people are doing the best they can with what they have. Sometimes our actions may cause harm. When that happens, we must prioritize survivors' safety and healing. We must also provide avenues for education, restitution, and change for the perpetrator. In some cases, removing the perpetrator from the project may be necessary. But whenever possible, mediation and education should be the first steps in addressing harm.
Transformative justice also means doing the best we can to address harm without invoking state violence. Prisons and policing are rarely helpful in addressing safety issues in the community, and often traumatize victims further. Police will only be involved if the person who experienced harm wishes (for example, to press formal charges or get a restraining order).
I come to this work from a place of feminism (anti-TERF and pro-sex work), anti-racism, pro-accessibility, and LGBTQ inclusion. I believe that representation matters, and that our industry must embrace the voices, talents, and experiences of folks of all identities. My education and accompliceship practice is ongoing.
If I don't have expertise in a particular aspect of a story, I'll reach out to consult with someone who does.