IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not a mental health professional. This self care guide was created using the work of psychologists and other experts, with significant elements taken from the book "Burnout" by Emily and Amelia Nagoski and the book "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk. Please contact a doctor or therapist if you are experiencing ongoing distress.
Take deep intentional breaths into your belly for at least 2 minutes
STEP 2: CHECK THE "mess"
In the last 24 hours, have you:
MOVED your body? Have a 10-minute dance party or go on a walk.
EATEN? Grab a snack.
SLEPT? Take a nap, or give yourself some grace until you're better rested
SNUGGLED? Cuddle a pet, friend, family member, or significant other
Tune in to your body and your thoughts and just note the feelings without trying to do anything about them for a moment. If you're having trouble naming your feelings, try focusing on neutral body observations: HEAVY/LIGHT, HOT/COLD, TIGHT/LOOSE, MOVEMENT/STILLNESS, FULL/EMPTY, FLOATY/GROUNDED, CLOSED/OPEN, SHALLOW/DEEP, PAIN/COMFORT.
You may have your own ways to process big emotions--feel free to add your own to this list, or try something here that you may not have tried before. ​
Go on a walk (20 min+)
Go for a drive (cool neighborhoods or out in nature)
Talk it out with a loved one
Make some visual art (paint, collage, sketch, etc)
Write (poetry, essay, monologue, lyrics, scene)
Engage in your spiritual practice, if you have one
Use an app (Calm Harm for anxiety, Headspace for meditation, Yoga Studio for yoga, any exercise app)
Go to the gym
Talk to a therapist
Most of us already have our own "self-care" activities--if you know the things that help bring you back to a place of calm, do those things! Here are some additional suggestions. ​
Take a hot or cold shower or bath
Do something to help you appreciate your body (shave your legs, pedicure, face mask, exfoliate)
Read a good book
Take a social media break for at least 24 hours
Watch a favorite movie or TV show
Watch some YouTube/TikTok videos of cool dances, cute babies, or funny animals
Genuine laughter: Watch a comedy special or some YouTube bloopers
Spend time in nature
Do a puzzle or play a game
Say some affirmations (“I am valuable, it’s gonna be okay, I am loved and lovable, I will get through this”)
Clean or organize something
Sing (YouTube karaoke or while on a drive)
Have a big ole cry
Ask for encouraging words or funny memes on social media
Make a meaningful connection with a loved one (text, talk, visit)
Connect to your communities (fellow students, roommates, improv teams, etc)
Cuddle a friend, significant other, or a pet
Get a massage/Reiki session
Have a dance party
Cook or bake something you enjoy
STEP 6: bring in the experts
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Dial 988
or visit their website here to chat with someone
(Not just for suicide! You can call or chat if you're simply feeling overwhelmed.)
Utah Crisis Line: 1-801-587-3000
Psychiatric Hospital: U of U Huntsman Mental Health Institute
Address: 501 Chipeta Way Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Phone Number: 1-801-583-2500
Website: https://healthcare.utah.edu/hmhi/